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Egg Donor Surrogacy / Single Parent / LGBT

You may select egg donor assisted surrogacy if

  • You do not have ovaries or cannot produce eggs for medical reasons
  • Age Factor of Female – does not produce eggs anymore
  • Single Male
  • LGBT

    Egg Donors at We Care India’s clinics are females of Indian origin with proven fertility in the age group of 22 years to 30 years, they are properly screened as per international protocol and selected after complete clinical examination, fertility and family history, physical screening and psychological counseling. These egg donors are available as:

  • D List egg donors – Egg donors [mostly housewives with primary education] with excellent fertility record and chosen after stringent clinical and physical examination, family background, and psychological counseling.
  • A List Egg Donors – Egg donors [professionals like University students, graduates, MBA’s, Doctors, Lawyers etc.] with excellent fertility record and chosen after stringent clinical and physical examination, family background, and psychological counseling.


You will need to confirm 6 weeks prior to coming to India and you will need to stay in India for 1 week in total for legal documents , semen collection and IVF of donor eggs with your sperms and embryo transfer in the surrogate. 14-15 days after the embryo transfer, a blood test will be performed on the surrogate to determine the success. A copy of the test will be emailed to you.

Success Rates of Indian Egg Donor Assisted Surrogacy

Our clinics’ success rates have been more than 65 % of positive pregnancies and more than 55% of live births with Indian egg donor assisted surrogacy.

We schedule the medication and protocol of each egg donor as per the confirmation by the Intended Parent. We can also provide the short profile with photographs of these Egg donors for the selection.

For more information on surrogacy in India and to view latest surrogate profiles write to us at
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